Top Causes of Fatal Injury in Louisiana Fact Sheet is Now Available!
Every year in Louisiana, around 3,500 people die and around 22,000 people are hospitalized due to injury. Injury is a top cause of disability for all ages, and impacts the state by contributing to poor mental health, high medical costs, and loss of productivity. In 2017, the Bureau of Family Health’s Injury Prevention Team began to analyze injury surveillance data and create data products. These products will be used to share the causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries with policy makers and public health partners, and will highlight relevant evidence-based injury prevention strategies.
The first of these data products is now available: the Louisiana Fatal Injuries Fact Sheet (2015 data). This two page fact sheet provides an overview of the top causes of fatal injury in Louisiana, for all ages. It also includes key talking points and prevention strategies. Please download and share this fact sheet with your public health and policy-focused partner working on injury prevention!
Additional data products related to injury can be found by visiting the data center, clicking the search bar, selecting “Injury” from the topics listed below, and clicking the search button.
February 8, 2018