Violence & Injury Prevention Program

The Bureau of Family Health’s Violence and Injury Prevention program strives to support healthy, thriving communities in Louisiana by working to prevent or reduce injuries and violence, which are the leading causes of death for residents ages 1–44 years. To that end, we collect information and data on the top causes of unintentional and intentional injuries across the state, and use that data to inform and guide program and policy initiatives intended to address these issues.

Core Functions & Goals

  • Conduct surveillance and data analysis
  • Provide legislators, health and social service providers, and public health professionals and organizations with reports, fact sheets, talking points, and other data communication products that share our findings and recommend evidence-based prevention methods
  • Share prevention-focused education and resources for select causes or types of injuries (e.g. drowning prevention)
  • Coordinate injury prevention activities with key partners at community and statewide levels
  • Engage community partners in work to change systems and social norms that are the drivers behind multiple types of injuries, and promote the adoption of policies proven to reduce injury and violence.
  • Promote approaches and solutions that prevent multiple forms of violence

Injury & Violence Priority Areas

(not a comprehensive list)

  • Traffic-Related Crashes
  • Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
  • Child Abuse & Neglect
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Homicide
  • Suicide
  • Firearm
  • Fire
  • Drowning
  • Older Adult Falls
  • Infant Sleep-Related Injury

Awarded Grants

Grants from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Consumer Product Safety Commission guide the work of the program and include:

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    • Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program (Core SVIPP): Disseminates, implements, and evaluates actions and recommendations that address the most pressing injury and violence issues including: child abuse and neglect, traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle crash injury and death, and intimate partner/sexual violence.
    • National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS): A state-based reporting system that provides information about the “who, when, where, and how” from data on violent deaths and provides insights about why they occurred.
    • Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Case Registry: Compiles information about the circumstances of SUID cases and how the deaths were investigated in order to identify trends and develop strategies to reduce future deaths.
    • Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) program: The RPE program collaborates with the state sexual violence coalition, educational institutions, sexual assault crisis centers, community organizations and other state agency partners to guide sexual violence prevention efforts.
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Pool Safely Grant Program: Works with state and local governments, nonprofits, and community agencies to prevent drownings and drain entrapments in pools and spas. The program focuses on training key partners how to enforce existing water safety laws and policies and providing education programs, including water safety lessons.


Helpful Links

CDC Injury Center ›
Focused on injury prevention & control, this website shares data & resources related to a variety of injury topics, and includes an “Injury Center in Action” section.

CDC Connecting the Dots ›
Free, online training that helps users explore shared risk and protective factors across multiple forms of violence.

CDC Veto Violence ›
Includes tools and trainings on violence prevention programs and practice, such as how to address risk factors for multiple forms of violence and how to effectively build partnerships.

CDC Technical Packages for Violence Prevention: Intimate Partner Violence, Child Abuse & Neglect, Suicide, Sexual Violence, Youth Violence ›
Strategic toolkits that include the best available evidence to prevent or reduce violence and improve the health of communities.

CDC Select, Adapt, Evaluate! How to Use Essential Elements to Inform Your Prevention Approaches ›
Online tool to help state and local partners implement prevention approaches based on the best available evidence.

CDC Motor Vehicle Prioritizing Interventions and Cost Calculator for States (MV PICCS) ›
Calculator to help state decision-makers select effective interventions based on the number and monetized value of injuries prevented, lives saved, and implementation costs.

Safe States Alliance ›
Find data, tools, and trainings to strengthen your agency’s injury prevention efforts, as well as collaboration opportunities.

Resources for Media Professionals Covering Injury and Violence ›
Best practice guides & resources for how to effectively report on sensitive topics, such as injuries, violence & trauma.

Data Center ›
Find reports, fact sheets, and other data products from BFH and its partners focused on injury prevention.

Contact Us!

Kristen Sanderson, MPH
Injury Prevention Manager