Louisiana’s School-Based Health Centers are located at elementary, middle and high schools in 25 parishes throughout the state. School-Based Health Centers offer many free healthcare services to students.
Services include:

Free, High-Quality Health Services Offered at Your Child’s School
Your child can get medical and counseling services at their school-based health center! School-based health centers are staffed by health professionals including doctors, registered nurses, and behavioral health specialists. All students are welcome and the only thing they need is a completed consent form from a parent or caregiver. Once the consent form is on file, students can use the School-Based Health Center as often as they need.
School-based health centers allow students to get the healthcare and mental health support they need to prepare for their next adventures, whether that’s a big test, sports team tryouts, prom, college, or a job. Plus, parents and caregivers don’t have to miss work for appointments!
To find out if your school district has School-Based Health Centers, or to get a consent form, use the link below to find your center and call the number listed. Or, ask at your school’s administration office.