Welcome to the Bureau of Family Health Data Center! Our goal is to advance the use of reliable data to monitor the health and well-being of Louisiana women, children and families. A dedicated Data to Action Team collects, analyzes, interprets, and prepares data dissemination products for public health practitioners, community organizations, policy makers, and researchers to guide programs and inform policy decisions. Here you can find reports and fact sheets on birth outcomes, mortality and injury indicators analyzed at a state, regional and parish level as well as links to websites with additional, relevant data. Use the search bar and drop down menu above to find data products organized by topic area.
View the latest versions of our most popular data products below:
Data Requests
If you can’t find what you need here, please complete an online data request form. Someone from our Data Action Team will likely reach out to you to discuss your request in order to best meet your needs. Researchers requesting data sets will also need to complete a data use application. Appropriate forms will be provided once a member of our team reviews your request. For Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data (PRAMS), visit the PRAMS Automated Research File portal.
Data Visualization Best Practices Checklist
In order to understand all people, we need to represent differences carefully to ensure we do not perpetuate negative perceptions. The Bureau of Family Health Data to Action Team has developed a Data Visualization Best Practices Checklist that our partners may download and use when developing materials that present data in a responsible, reflective and representative manner. For additional assistance with the checklist, or to provide feedback, please contact MCHData@la.gov.
Where to Find COVID-19 Data
COVID-19 in Louisiana
General information on COVID-19 and respiratory virus in Louisiana, including population counts, can be found at the LDH Respiratory Virus Dashboard.
Data on Covid-19 and Pregnancy
The CDC’s COVID Data Tracker displays counts of COVID-19 infection during pregnancy for the United States and its jurisdictions. Learn about data use and limitations on the CDC’s Frequently Asked Questions page focused on COVID-19 Data and Surveillance.